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The Air Raid Book Club

The Air Raid Book Club

The Air Raid Book Club is a story of hope. It captured my heart and is a lovely tribute to the people of London who survived the bombings in London during World War II.

What appealed to you in this story the most?

I just loved all the heartwarming and tender moments along with the wonderful and diverse cast of characters. The best part was how Lyons highlighted what we often forget - the role ordinary people play in helping their neighbors and keeping up morale. Moreover, the story as a whole reminds us that it is never too late to make new friends, help a stranger, and to stand up for what is right, and this is something we desperately need to remember even today.

I was also drawn into the evolving relationship between Gertie and Hedy as they both grew as individuals from their relationship with each other.

Oh, and I of course, loved all things bookish in this story!

How was the pace?

This story held a steady pace.

Read if you like:

  • Found family

  • Historical Fiction

  • Community

  • Friendship

  • Loss/grief

  • WWII

  • Books about books

Do you recommend this book?

The Air Raid Book Club takes heartwarming to new levels with a cast of characters I will never forget. If you like a story with quirky older characters mixed with a younger crowd who helps them discover they have so much love and life ahead of them then you will enjoy this book. Definitely a story that will give you all the feels!

Thank you, William Morrow, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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