
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Blonde Identity

The Blonde Identity

Buckle up everyone! The Blonde Identity is the very definition of a FUN and HILARIOUS espionage story, and I’m telling y’all to go get RIGHT NOW!

What appealed to you the most in this story?

EVERYTHING!! I could not get enough of the adventure, humor, banter, romance, and more! Your heart rate will skyrocket during the action scenes and then you’ll end up laughing so hard your stomach hurts and cheeks hurt! It guarantees an amazing, ultra entertaining time! Plus, the sarcasm was right up my alley.

How was the romance?

The banter and tension were my absolute favorite in this story as Carter fit in my favorite tropes in this delightful enemies to lovers romcom….OH…Carter was also able to fit in some more of my favorite tropes, but I’ll let you read the story to find out what they are.

Steam Level: Closed doors

How was the pace?

I took this book to the pool with me to start, and then I could not put it down, and finished this fast-paced story in an afternoon. Honestly, I think this was one of my fastest reads ever and I can honestly say it made my week. It was like going on a wild and crazy European tour while being chased by the CIA, MI6, and possibly Mossad.

Do you recommend this book?

HECK YES!! Definitely a book y’all are going to want to grab for a delightfully funny adventure packed story with excellent chemistry! AND, there had better be a sequel ASAP, because I am not ready to let go of this fun crew of characters.

Thank you, Avon Books, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinion.


I’m enjoying my last weekend with Web home before he heads off to college, so last night was dessert and movie night. The Flash was such a wonderful movie with great adventure and a really moving storyline.

Tilly in Technicolor

Tilly in Technicolor

Currently Reading

Currently Reading