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The Soulmate Equation

The Soulmate Equation

If you are looking for a cute and fun summer romance, look no further! The Soulmate Equation has it all: fast paced reading, funny and loveable characters, plot twists, and of course a charming romance.

Single mom Jess Davis is a data and statistics wizard, but no amount of number crunching can convince her to step back into the dating world. Raised by her grandparents--who now help raise her seven-year-old daughter, Juno--Jess has been left behind too often to feel comfortable letting anyone in. After all, her father's never been around, her hard-partying mother disappeared when she was six, and her ex decided he wasn't "father material" before Juno was even born. Jess holds her loved ones close, but working constantly to stay afloat is hard...and lonely.

But then Jess hears about GeneticAlly, a buzzy new DNA-based matchmaking company that's predicted to change dating forever. Finding a soulmate through DNA? The reliability of numbers: This Jess understands. At least she thought she did, until her test shows an unheard-of 98% compatibility with another subject in the database: GeneticAlly's founder, Dr. River Pena. This is one number she can't wrap her head around, because she already knows Dr. Pena. The stuck-up, stubborn man is without a doubt not her soulmate. But GeneticAlly has a proposition: Get to know him and we'll pay you. Jess--who is barely making ends meet--is in no position to turn it down, despite her skepticism about the project and her dislike for River. As the pair are dragged from one event to the next as the "Diamond" pairing that could make GeneticAlly a mint in stock prices, Jess begins to realize that there might be more to the scientist--and the science behind a soulmate--than she thought.

There was so much chemistry throughout this book, but the best chemistry was between the cast of supporting characters. I fell in love with all of them and their meddling ways, but had two favorites. Juno is Jess’s sweet, spunky and witty seven year old daughter. She is whip smart and brings so much levity to the story, and she’s a bit of a cute scene stealer who will melt your heart too. And then there is Fizzy, Juno’s best friend. This woman is the kind of friend you want in your corner cheering you on or giving you a dose of reality you desperately need (and she deserves her own book!).

As for the romance itself…I loved that it wasn’t cheesy. The relationship between Jess and River grew and evolved at a steady and realistic pace. This made their romance so much better, and went along with their unique match-up and personalities.

I’m so glad Kaley and I read this book as a buddy read. We were messaging each other throughout about the characters, romance, and staying up way too late to finish the story (thank goodness for coffee).

Overall, this is exactly the kind of light and feel good rom-com story the duo, Christina Lauren, is known for. If you are looking for an oh so heartwarming and fun romance, steam, witty commentary, and a strong family and friendship presence, go grab this bingeable book today!

Thank you Gallery Books for the gifted copy of this book.

Weekend Reading

Weekend Reading

The Godmothers

The Godmothers