
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

This Time Tomorrow

This Time Tomorrow

What a beautiful book! I loved every minute I got to spend reading and experiencing this story.

I know I’m really late to the party when it comes to this book, so I’ll keep my review brief.

This book and the amazing atmosphere and heart had me tuned in from the very beginning. I read this with Kaley and we both flew through it…Well, she flew through it while I kept stopping to Google all the really cool places and restaurants in NYC that kept popping up in the book.

Time travel books (and movies, etc) of this book's sort always make me super introspective and thoughtful about my own life choices and how this story played out and then all came together made it such a heartfelt and moving story.

Overall, there's so much humor, friendship, love, and creativity in this book. I loved all of the relationships and again, the book made me think a lot about what I'm pouring into people around me and what truly matters in the long run.

Great read, highly recommended!

Currently Reading

Currently Reading

Christmas at Blue Dog Valley

Christmas at Blue Dog Valley