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Mini Reviews

Mini Reviews

Each month Kaley and I have several buddy reads, and thanks to our reads I have worked my way through a lot of books in my tbr stack. I’ve also started craving Ben & Jerry’s nonstop since Kaley always seems to have a pint on hand while we are reading together.

Always in December - I’m not sure why, but I went into this book thinking it was a romcom. Instead, I was met with a story about two people who are trying to find themselves and live each day to the fullest. It's a bittersweet tale, at times funny and touching and at times heartbreaking, but it's definitely worth reading regardless. Be prepared because this isn't a light Christmas tale, it’s a journey - a very enjoyable journey that might break your heart a little after it puts a smile on your face.

Maybe Someday - Oh my gosh I loved the humor in this book! From the beginning I was howling with laughter. I usually find myself shedding tears as I read her books, but this time they were tears from all the laugh out loud moments! Really, I had no idea CoHo had such an excellent sense of humor!

As for the romance in this one…I have conflicting feelings about how Ridge handled himself and his heart once he realizes it has been split in two. To be honest, I’m still thinking about this story and how I feel about it as a whole overall, but I do know I loved the humor throughout it and will definitely read the rest of the books in this series. Actually, I already listened to the audio of Maybe Not and I loved the humor in that one too!



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