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French Braid

French Braid

Anne Tyler has a way of writing about dysfunctional families and characters that has you, the reader, embracing them early on in the story, and she has done this again in French Braid.

What appealed to you the most in this story

I love how Tyler writes stories that are really about hope, character explorations, and how the small things happen in life can cause bigger waves in the future. She did this with several of the characters in this story and I found myself fully invested in their journeys and conflicts. Therefore, I also found myself just as surprised as the individual characters when a bump in the road came along.

I also really enjoyed getting to read through the eyes of each family member and getting the full picture of their personality and messy lives.

How was the pace?

This was a slow burn/steady pace character-driven story. It’s really a story where I lost myself in the lives of each character as I read.

Do you recommend this book?

If you are a fan of character driven family dramas, then you will enjoy this beautifully written story that dives into a family’s foibles and their outcomes.

Thank you, Knopf Publishing Group, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Tolkien Reading Day

Tolkien Reading Day

Book Mail

Book Mail